Friday, February 3, 2012

It's About Time

Well I've been in Jerusalem now for exactly one month so I figure it's probably about time I actually write something on my blog.  Probably won't happen too much so let's see if I can keep it juicy.  But let's be honest all anyone ever wants to see is pictures anyway so I will try to keep those coming.

Being in Jerusalem has been an awesome experience so far. It is impossible to even try to describe everything that has happened so I will try and give some highlights. Every morning I don't wake up to an alarm clock but the call to prayer over the loudspeakers spread throughout the city. We live only about a ten minute walk away from the Old City of Jerusalem or the famous Dome of the Rock. We go on field trips all the time to really cool places. We went to Jordan last week and rode camels and horses in Petra which is shown in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. It was awesome. A camel attacked me and tried to bite off my arm. While there we also visited the Jordan River. We've gone to the Western Wall to witness the Jews welcome in the Sabbath on Friday nights and even danced with them.

The people here are amazing. My eyes have been completely opened and I have gained a deep respect for the religions and culture of the people here. The food is great. Falafels are something that you need to try before you can say you have lived a happy life. I miss double stuff Oreos and chips and salsa. Random but never realized how much of an important part they played in my diet until I couldn't have them anymore. All in all life is great and I am happy to be in the Holy Land! Hope everything is going well for everyone! Oh and I definitely forgot to get emails before I left. I would definitely have sent some out by now but don't have any addresses so send them to me if you want an email! 

تصبح على خير

Outside an ancient Israelite Temple in Arad.

Perfect timing to jump in Jon's picture to make it complete...

Walked into our hotel room and found this ♥

Evidence of the camel attack. Yes, that is saliva..


  1. Ethan! You're in Jerusalem! Thats awesome. I'm sorry you got attacked by a camel :( I love camels.

  2. Looks like you are having a great time! I'm here too, maybe we'll run into eachother.... at the elevator...
